The script doesn't work. It's showing
free usage as 0KB. I use the <insert plan here>
The question has been answered in the
documentation. It's in docs/USAGE.pdf. It's in section 1
(Starting off). It says:
If your network usage is free at certain times, include
those times in the line starting with @free_times.
Supposing usage is free from 2AM to 8AM, the @free_times
line should be changed to:
@free_times = ("02:00:00", "08:00:00");
In the script, an appropriate commented line is
provided. Remove the ``# '' at the beginning of the line
to use it.
So, in the script, at the beginning, find these lines:
@free_times = ();
# @free_times = ("02:00:00", "08:00:00");
Change them to:
# @free_times = ();
@free_times = ("02:00:00", "08:00:00");